Kelly Fragomeli

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Kelly is our much loved friend and colleague who has worked at Lincolns for a full 25 years! When Emmalee and Skye asked Kelly to share her story at Lincolns she told them she didn’t think her life was interesting. They didn’t listen and she gave in to tell us about herself. Here goes…

Where did you work before you started at Lincolns and what brought you to Lincolns?

In the 1990’s, Kelly worked at the Health Department where she was part of the administration team in a temporary role. At first, Kelly wasn’t in the market for another job but when the position at Lincolns came up, she took it without knowing what would come about. Never did she imagine she’d be at Lincolns for 25 years!

What do you enjoy about your role at Lincolns?

Kelly likes the flexibility of her role as each day is very varied and includes many tasks. On any given day, Kelly can be registering clients for GST, adding new clients to the database, sending out bookkeeping engagement brochures, making appointments and inputting and processing tax returns.

Kelly also enjoys chatting to clients and making appointments. She finds that the more interaction she has with clients, the more she begins to learn about their history. She starts to know them more than just a person who walks through the door to see one of the accountants. Kelly thrives on seeing clients’ succession which she had never really dwelled on until recently. But after 25 years and seeing client’s transition into the next phase of their lives, she now realises just how much she really knows client’s on more of a personal level. In Kelly’s role, she sees an overview of all the partners and managers clients, even though she works in the background. This is varied from the partners and accountants who only see a portion of the Lincoln’s clients.

Kelly’s favourite part of her job is checking what she calls the ‘hatches, matches and dispatches’ in the Albany Advertiser to update the client database and send out cards. No seriously, this is something that she really does! However, she does say that no one really seems to put ads in the paper anymore so if she’s missed something and you’d like a card sent, email Kelly and she’ll arrange it for you.

In the past 25 years, what has changed at Lincolns?

Kelly has noticed that the accountants formatting and typing is much more hands on. They often come to her asking if the formatting is okay. Kelly usually responds with, “Your formatting is great, I wouldn’t change a thing!” *cough cough* She then goes about her task, whilst secretly fixing it all up herself.

Kelly also says that it’s been interesting to see the renovations at Lincolns. It has been exciting to see the growth – both in the building side of things and also the team. From a workplace that once had mostly open space, it has now been updated to a LOT of offices. Technology has also been a huge part of the changes at Lincolns. From paper to computers, the time in which jobs are done is now so much quicker. The team has doubled in size and Kelly has liked being a part of all these changes. Any questions about the team, Kelly has it covered!


Lincolns celebrates the EOFY with a party – what has been your favourite one so far?

Each year the partners put together an EOFY party for the team. They are never boring and Kelly recalls that most of them have been enjoyable. A favourite for Kelly would be the formal night held at the Albany Club on Aberdeen Street; the Horror Night was also a good one with lots of memories. The Country and Western night where the team got dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls and got to ride on the bucking bull was also a hit. One year the team even went to Maitraya for dinner and they got to get dressed up for the occasion. It is noted that Kelly always makes an effort with her outfits and she never disappoints.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Kelly also has a life outside of work - she’s so dedicated to Lincolns it’s hard to believe but it’s true! She ensures that she spends time away from work to clear her mind and take those much needed breaks. Kelly’s hobbies include pottery, shopping and also time with her nephews. She likes to get outdoors in her garden when the weather allows and loves doing home improvements – there are always new ideas and more things to do around the home.

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 Well that's a wrap for now - A huge shout out to Kelly for all the amazing work she does here at Lincolns, we appreciate you. Don't forget next time you're visting the office make sure to look out for Kelly and say hello!


Rod Grieve


Bob Whittingstall