Baby Love

By Sabina Moir


2019 has been a bit of a baby boom year at Lincolns. Three of our staff have welcomed a new addition to their families including a set of twins! All this excitement with baby showers, birth date guessing games, impending parental leave and newborn visits has us thinking about what options there are available for new parents in regards to their work arrangements and any benefits they are eligible for once their baby arrives.

You’re expecting…

If you are pregnant or adopting a child and you are employed, then a minimum of 10 weeks’ notice prior to commencing the leave is required to notify your employer that you intend to take parental leave.  Further notice is then required confirming the parental leave dates at least 4 weeks prior to the leave commencing.  Due to pregnancy not being a subtle body transformation, it is most common that employers would be notified at a much sooner date of this exciting news.  However, you are required to give your employer these notifications in writing.

Depending what industry you work in there may be OHS policies on how long you can work before you leave for and return from parental leave. It is best to speak direct to your employer to find out their policy is on providing notice of pregnancy.

Time to chat (Not about baby names…yet)

Communication is key regarding any time spent away from the workplace, so be open with your employer of your plans and what you think your role will look like after parental leave – it may be that you work on a part-time basis, have flexible hours or work from home. Having clear and open communication will allow you and your employer to work out a mutually beneficial work arrangement.

Parental Leave

It is not a requirement for an organisation to offer paid parental leave, however if your employer does have a parental leave policy in place, then it would be a good idea to find out what is offered. Some organisations will offer from 6 months to a year on full or a portion of your salary.

Government Paid Parental Leave

You may have access to the Government's paid parental leave scheme. This scheme will pay 18 weeks at the minimum wage (Currently $740 per week).

You are entitled to Parental Leave Pay from the Australian Government if:

  • You are the primary carer of a newborn or adopted child

  • You earn under a certain limit (an adjusted taxable income of $150,000 or less)

  • You are on leave or not working while you receive the payment

  • You meet the work test – You have worked 10 of the 13 months before the birth or adoption of your child and a total of 330 hours (around 1 day a week) in that 10-month period.

You will have 34 weeks from the birth/adoption of the child to lodge a claim for Parental Leave Pay and it must be paid to you within the first 12 months of the child’s life.

Parental Leave Pay from the Australian Government doesn't change paid parental leave from an employer – an employee can be paid both.

Working fathers and partners (including same-sex partners) may be eligible for 2 weeks of leave paid at the minimum wage. Some employers top up Dad and Partner Pay so it is equivalent to your normal wage.

Keeping in touch

When you are receiving your Paid Parental Leave from the Government you are allowed 10 ‘Contact’ days that are paid working days from your employer. These days are designed for you to keep in touch with the workplace and to assist with your eventual return to work. 

Returning to work

It can be quite a big decision to return to work and the right time will be different for every parent. 

When returning from parental leave you should be able to return to the same job you held prior to going on leave. If that job no longer exists, then you are legally entitled to a job that you are qualified for and is of the same status and pay to your job prior to going on parental leave.

Make sure you are aware of your employer's expectations around flexible working arrangements, the taking of leave, enabling children to access the workplace (where safe), working from home and potential job share arrangements. This will ensure that your return to work is a positive experience for both you and your employer.


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