Episode 2 - New stuff for directors, employers and parents

We are back with Episode 2 of the Lincolns Podcast – Tax & Stuff!

Join Kym Arnold & Jenni Leonard on today’s episode where they discuss the new rules for directors and employers and superannuation funds and touch on Child Care Subsidies!

As promised in this episode, below are some links to some further information on these subjects but please get in touch with us at the office if you have any questions on (08) 9841 1200 or info@lincolns.com.au

Director Identifier Numbers:

Director identification number | Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS)

Child Care Subsidies:

Child Care Subsidy - Services Australia

Navigating the Labyrinth: Centrelink for Families — Lincolns

Stapling Super Funds:

Request stapled super fund details for employees | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)

As always, we would love to hear your feedback – please do this by either by subscribing and adding a review or send us a message.
Let us know what you loved, hated or what you want to hear about next!



Episode 3 - Crypto for your average punter


Episode 1 - “Down the Pub” tax myths.